A Toolbox visitor asked for my thoughts on the Epoch Times’ recent documentary, “The Final War: 1st Documentary on the 100-Year Plot to Defeat America.”
Truth and Fiction in The Road
The Road is not appropriate for young children and some adults who are inclined to anxiety, but I recommend it highly to every other Patriots Toolbox visitor.
Merry Christmas
Sit still over the next week. Gather your thoughts and think. Think Truth, think strength, think victory, through Jesus Christ the King of kings.
Movie Review: Died Suddenly
Diane and I just watched “Died Suddenly.” The range of guests and their credibility is very good, and the images of sudden death and the extraction of blood clots from cadavers are truly disturbing.
A Balanced View of Organic Farming
While some people believe organic food tastes better than food from commercial farms, there is no evidence that organic food is more nutritious.
Reduce, Reuse, Recover, and Recycle
After decades of supporting plastic recycling, must we just consider it trash like any other, or are there better choices?
Time to Get Smart, Not Angry
The “red trickle” on November 8 was a great disappointment. This article describes some things everyone reading it can do to help save the country.
What Can I Do to Secure Our Elections?
Have you asked yourself what can I do to secure our elections? Well, here are 10 things you can do, with links to important documents and websites.
Questions for Mandela Barnes
Wisconsin Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes (D), running in the November 8, 2022 election for U.S. Senator against Senator Ron Johnson, has been unwilling to answer questions from the media, leaving the people of Wisconsin to wonder a lot about what he stands for.
Debunking the Establishment’s Scams
Theodore Roosevelt Malloch performed a service for the conservative movement by listing 17 “hard-discovered truths” that are the polar opposites of what we are told every day.