AB 468 is pro-gun legislation and an important step in the fight to secure the constitutional rights of all Wisconsinites.
Support Pro-Gun AB 468

AB 468 is pro-gun legislation and an important step in the fight to secure the constitutional rights of all Wisconsinites.
Ranked Choice Voting — also known as Instant Runoff voting or Final Five voting — is a significant and dangerous change in how we elect our lawmakers.
A resolution to impeach Meagan Wolfe the WEC administrator will be presented on the floor of the assembly on January 16, 2024 at 1:00 pm.
Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos is trying to make unbelievable election results seem believable, before the 2024 elections.
N.E.W. Patriots has been keeping a close eye on SB 685 and has done a great deal of homework on its pros and cons. We have concluded it is NOT a good bill.