Wear Your Patriots Pride!

Soooo many of you have asked, and so we've delivered!

Northeast Wisconsin Patriots is now taking orders for NEW T-SHIRTS!

These light-weight, high-quality cotton t-shirts -- sporting the N.E.W. Patriots logo on the front as well as a sleeve -- proudly proclaim your support of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

If you're planning to volunteer at our booth at the Brown County Fair (August 14-18), be sure to order a t-shirt to wear during your shifts!

We do not deliver. You can pick up your t-shirt and deliver your payment at the July 18 Candidate Forum or at the N.E.W. Patriots booth at the Brown County Fair on August 14–18. (Note: We can only fill pre-orders at the Fair, so we need your order form in advance. Fair rules prevent us from selling the t-shirts there.)

Send us an email at [email protected] if you have any questions!

NEW Patriots t-shirt order form.
State Sen. Rachael Cabral-Guevara visits with volunteer Joe B. and Fair mascots.

Calling All Fair-Goers!

The Brown County Fair will take place this year from Wednesday, August 14 through Sunday, August 18 ... and of course N.E.W. Patriots will have a booth — featuring the new popup banners that Patriots have sponsored! (They were first displayed at Rock K Ranch for our 8th Congressional District candidate forum, left.)

And YES, we will need volunteers! Remember how much fun we had last year? (That's Sen. Rachael Cabral-Guevara and volunterr Joe Bast visiting with Fair mascots at left.)

You can sign up for one or more two-hour shifts using our SignUp Genius form. Or send an email to [email protected] letting us know when you’re available. We’ll need volunteers from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Wednesday-Saturday, and from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Sunday. You are welcome to sign up for more than one shift if you’re available!

Bring your family and enjoy the fair with them! As you probably know, the fair has wonderful rides and fantastic animal shows and exhibits. For more information, visit the Fair website at https://browncountyfair.com/.

The Wisconsin Conservative Coalition (WCC) has released its 2023-2024 Legislator Scorecard.

2023-24 Scorecard Is Here!

The Wisconsin Conservative Coalition -- of which N.E.W. Patriots is a member -- released on July 1, 2024 its scorecard for Northeast Wisconsin state representatives and senators for 2023-24. Fourteen members of the Assembly and six members of the Senate representing Northeast Wisconsin were rated on how they voted on ten key bills

WCC also produced scorecards for 2015-16, 2017-18, and 2021-22. Click here: WCC Scorecard.

For information about scorecards produced by other conservative groups, click here: Voting Records.

The Media and Donald Trump

On June 28, 2024, journalist Sharyl Attkisson updated her "definitive list" of Media Mistakes in the Trump Era. Mistake #1 is dated August 2016-November 2016, the claim that Melania Trump violated her visa status. The most recent entry, Mistake #160, has to do with the August 15, 2017 protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, when Trump did NOT in fact call Nazis and white supremacists “very fine people.”

While it's unlikely any of you need to be convinced that the media has played unfairly with President Trump, there is certainly value in this excellently researched compilation.

Media Errors during the Trump Era: A Comprehensive List | Sharyl Attkisson

Clearly, the media has played unfairly with President Donald Trump.

Calls to Action!

If not now, when? Calls to Action!

For more events hosted by freedom-loving organizations in Wisconsin, click here.

About Us

N.E.W. Patriots is a group of patriotic citizens in Northeast Wisconsin committed to promoting the conservative values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In June and July of 2024 we will meet at the Rock-K-Ranch, 2372 Day Street, in Greenleaf, Wisconsin. Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings are free and open to the public. To learn more about us, click here: NEWP About

NEW Patriot News

Good news, everyone! You can access the most recent NEW Patriot News weekly e-newsletter, as well as links to past e-newsletters, here: NEW Patriot News

Important Links for Patriots

N.E.W. Patriots produces weekly emails, flyers, infographics, and other documents, and maintains lists of links to videos and allies we recommend. Click here often to access our growing list of free, new resources: Important Links

Wisconsin State Sen. Andre Jacque participated in the Northeast Wisconsin Patriots' 8th District Congressional candidate forum on June 20.
Businessman Tony Wied participated in the Northeast Wisconsin Patriots' 8th District Congressional candidate forum on June 20.

Past NEW Patriot Events

Watch this space for new summaries of our 2024 meetings! For summaries of our 2023 meetings, click here.


January 18, 2024: Justice Michael Gableman


February 15, 2024: Brown County Supervisor Candidates Forum


February 26, 2024: Movie Night! Bringing Back the Black-Robed Regiment


March 21, 2024: State Rep. Janel Brandtjen (with special guest State Sen. Andre Jacque).


April 18, 2024: Matt Crouch, Heritage Action


May 16, 2024: Christine File, Wisconsin Family Council/Action


May 20, 2024: Movie Night! The Fall of Minneapolis


June 20, 2024: Candidate Forum: 8th Congressional District (left; see a writeup and additional photos here)

NEW Patriots has hosted scores of events since 2008. Speakers you may recognize include U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, Duke Pesta, Brett Healy, Juliane Appling, and state representatives Dale Kooyenga, Andre Jacque, Dave Steffen, John Macco, and more. Click here for a list of events since January 2015: Past Events

Candidate Endorsements

Who should you vote for? The Wisconsin Patriots Toolbox reports recommendations and endorsements made by conservative groups, including NEW Patriots, as well as results of 2022 primary and general elections. Click here: Endorsements


WCC released on December 28, 2022 its scorecard for Northeast Wisconsin state representatives and senators for 2021-22. WCC also has produced scorecards for 2015-16 and 2017-18. Click here: WCC Scorecard.

For information about scorecards produced by other conservative groups, click here: Voting Records.


How to Contact Your Elected Officials

Who are your national, state, and local elected officials? How are they are voting on issues that matter to you? How can you reach them with your concerns? For answers to these questions and more, click here: Elections

Find Reliable Allies and News Sources

Most of what you read in newspapers or see on television is biased against conservative values and elected officials who are trying to advance them. The Wisconsin Patriots Toolbox has identified reliable sources of news as well as research and commentary on issues that really matter. To learn more, click here: https://wipatriotstoolbox.com

Join the Freedom Movement!

You can make a difference by joining with other Patriots who share your concerns! Contact us by email, visit our Facebook pages, or sign up to receive emails. Just click here: Contact Us

Copyright © 2022-2024 Northeast Wisconsin Patriots.

The material on this website is for general education and information only.

The views presented here are the responsibility of their authors and do not reflect endorsement or opposition by Northeast Wisconsin Patriots.