Liberty Alliance
of Wisconsin

Exposed: Assembly Speaker Robin Vos's Connections to China

(h/t H.O.T. Government) -- Independent candidate Kelly Clark is challenging Assembly speaker Robin Vos in Wisconsin's 33rd assembly district. The Kelly Clark campaign has unveiled a groundbreaking Chinese connections expose on Speaker of the Wisconsin Assembly, Robin Vos. The press release regarding the Vos expose booklet can be found on Kelly Clark's website,  along with a digital link for easy access. For more information, please visit 

From her website: Kelly Clark became active in the grassroots movement with an organization named H.O.T. (Honest, Open, Transparent) Government in 2021. Her motivation stemmed from two pivotal experiences. The first was ... [t]he COVID-19 pandemic. [which] laid bare the unprecedented overreach of the government and the excessive control exerted by the pharmaceutical industry over agencies like the CDC, NIH, and FDA—agencies that should prioritize the safety and health of Americans. The second pivotal experience was her growing skepticism toward the results of the 2020 election."

The Kelly Clark campaign has unveiled a groundbreaking Chinese connections expose on Speaker of the Wisconsin Assembly, Robin Vos.

The Media and Donald Trump

On June 28, 2024, journalist Sharyl Attkisson updated her "definitive list" of Media Mistakes in the Trump Era. Mistake #1 is dated August 2016-November 2016, the claim that Melania Trump violated her visa status. The most recent entry, Mistake #160, has to do with the August 15, 2017 protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, when Trump did NOT in fact call Nazis and white supremacists “very fine people.”

While it's unlikely any of you need to be convinced that the media has played unfairly with Pres. Trump, there is certainly in this excellently researched compilation.

Clearly, the media has played unfairly with President Donald Trump.

LAW Exhibit at NRA Freedom Fest!

LAW was one of roughly a dozen exhibitors at NRA-ILA Freedom Fest in Brookfield on June 8. The day was a bit dreary and cool, but that didn't stop scores of people from stopping by to visit. We had many great conversations and distributed a lot of good literature, including research on Second Amendment issues and climate change and copies of The Epoch TimesReality News, and Wisconsin Conservative Digest.

LAW-NEW Patriots exhibit at NRA Freedom Fest in Brookfield on June 8, 2024.
LAW-NEW Patriots exhibit at NRA Freedom Fest in Brookfield on June 8, 2024.

April 27 meeting was eye-opening!

Saturday's LAW event was an outstanding, eye-opening educational experience for the 55+ folks who attended from around the state of Wisconsin.
The speakers did a fantastic job of presenting facts, figures, and evidence of what is nothing less than an orchestrated, planned destruction of American culture and Western values. The threat to our persons, homes, communities, and infrastructure is increasing daily and we can no longer afford to keep our heads in the sand and pretend this isn't happening.
We the People have the power required to turn the tide, but like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, we have to believe we have the power in order to put it to use. If you weren't able to attend but want to get involved, reach out to me and I'll give you the tools you need to help secure Wisconsin. We hope to have PowerPoint presentations and videos from the event available in the days ahead.

I want to thank Ron Branstner, Susan Tully from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), Karen Mueller from the Amos Center for Justice and Liberty, Duane Shoebridge from LAW's Secure Wisconsin Project, and WTPSC's own Scott Haugen for their time, the work they put into their presentations, and their love for America.

We've posted video of the proceedings below and, because the video player doesn't always work properly, we've also posted links in the Resources column at right. 

Video of the Proceedings

Karen Mueller of the Amos Center for Justice discussed Vetting Immigrants and the Supremacy Clause.

Duane Shoebridge of the Secure Wisconsin Project discussed Refugee Resettlement in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

Susan Tully of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) discussed Illegal Refugee Resettlement and Immigration.

Ron Branstner discussed Illegal Refugee Resettlement and Immigration.

Scott Haugen of We The People – Sauk County discussed “What Is Missing: Illegal Immigration and Refugee Resettlement: The Game.” Note:  if the audio and video get out of sync, click the quick rewind arrow (the one that rewinds the video for only a few seconds). That seems to fix the issue.

Danny Beard delivers a report on the activities of Columbia County Committee of Safety.

Exhibiting in Rothschild, Wisconsin

The Liberty Alliance of Wisconsin (LAW) exhibited at the annual Wisconsin Christian News Conference for pastors held in Rothschild (near Wausau) on April 12-13, 2024. It was a super event and very well attended. We received many positive comments about what LAW and its member Patriot groups are doing and looking to accomplish.
Shahram Hadian gave a powerful presentation illustrating the power of the People to resist government when it is no longer acting under God's authority, but instead its own idea of what authority it has. Be encouraged! Shahram is in Wilson, Wheeler and Amery, WI this week. Please share the link to his calendar: 
Alex Neuman spoke on the government school system and its ills and the perversions it exposes children to. Bottom line: If you confess Christ as your Lord and exist to serve Him, why would you send your children to satanic public schools? Hard question from a secular perspective, a real hard question from a Christian standpoint.

Click the image below to download an 8.5" x 11" version of the promotional poster for Liberty Alliance of Wisconsin! You can print this on standard photocopy paper and use it at your next event to proclaim your organization's membership in LAW.

Click here to download the poster

Secure Wisconsin Project

Due to the Biden-Harris administration’s deliberate policy of opening the nation’s southern border, illegal immigrants are flooding into the country. Millions of these law-breakers are now living in communities, often at taxpayer’s expense, without local officials (city council members, law enforcement officials, etc.) being informed of their presence. This is in violation of the law!
LAW has created a feature on its website to feature research and commentary on this important topic. A few resources are shared here.

Election Integrity in Wisconsin

The statewide voter registration list maintained by the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) includes 7,498,167 voters. But according to the 2020 United States Census, there are only 4,612,300 adults living in Wisconsin. This means that there are 2,885,867 more voters on the WEC’s registration list, than there are people of voting age living in Wisconsin.

How did this happen? Read more here.

10 Ways You Can Help Ensure Voting Integrity
We the People- Sauk County hosted the Sheriff and Baraboo Police Chief for a question and answer session.

Q&A with Law Enforcement

On Thursday, September 5, We the People- Sauk County hosted Sauk County Sheriff Chip Meister and Baraboo Police Chief Rob SInden. They answered hard questions from citizens about local law enforcement challenges, school districts, federal and state government overreach and potential corruption, as well as COVID 19 and U.S. Constitution questions.
Regardless of the county you're in, you will find the answers they give helpful in many instances and curious in others. Click the image, or click here, to play the hour-long video.
We encourage you all to consider hosting a similar event!

We Recommend: Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership

People are one of the key resources (along with lists and money) you need to gather as you are preparing to become a movement leader.

Without others to help, you will end up doing everything yourself, and that's not much of a movement. As the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership (FACL) says in its training: "Look behind you. If nobody is following, you're not leading."

To put it bluntly, part of your job as a leader is to identify, develop, and guide people who can make the liberty movement stronger.

FACL can help. For more information, visit its website or click the image at right.

Danny and I have been to multiple training sessions and are more than ready and able to answer any questions you may have.
--- Steve


On September 12, 2022 and again on December 10, 2022, approximately a dozen leaders of patriot groups in Wisconsin gathered in Black River Falls (pictured at right) to discuss ways to work more closely together to increase their effectiveness, share ideas, and hold elected officials accountable. At the December meeting, the Liberty Alliance of Wisconsin (LAW) was formally established, officers elected, and the first dozen groups agreed to join.
LAW does not take positions on issues, endorse or provide financial support to candidates, or endorse the use of violence to achieve social or political ends. The opinions and statements expressed by member organizations do not necessarily reflect those of LAW or approval by LAW.
LAW is a new organization. For now, the website mainly provides a directory of member organizations, a calendar, and contact information. We expect LAW's membership to grow quickly in the coming months and for this website to provide more information about member groups and their efforts, calls for action, as well as research and commentary on the important issues facing voters in Wisconsin.


To become the hub of a statewide network of patriotic organizations based in Wisconsin and devoted to supporting and defending the Wisconsin and U.S. Constitutions, in order to restore freedom and the rule of law.


To identify patriotic groups in Wisconsin, invite them to join our network, and share ideas to increase the impact of network members, restore election integrity, and protect the sanctity of life.

More Resources for Patriots

Links to dozens of allies and scores of articles, videos, and reports organized by topic are available in the Research and Commentary section of this website. Here are links to some essential resources for Patriots:

Copyright © 2022-2024 Liberty Alliance of Wisconsin.

The material on this website is for general education and information only.

The views presented here are the responsibility of their authors and do not reflect endorsement or opposition by Liberty Alliance of Wisconsin or its member organizations.