Liberty Alliance
of Wisconsin

Secure Wisconsin Project

Congressman Tom Tiffany will speak to Northeast Wisconsin Patriots on Thursday, October 17, 2024.

Congressman Tom Tiffany to Speak in De Pere on Thursday, October 17

Congressman Tom Tiffany (R-7th District) will be the featured speaker at the October meeting of Northeast Wisconsin Patriots. 

The Congressman will be discussing refugee resettlement in Wisconsin ... and what he considers to be a disturbing lack of transparency. He will also be providing some insights into our porous Southern border -- another concern for communities across the state!

The meeting will take place at Cedar Creek of De Pere Event Center, 1018 Cedar Street, De Pere. Join us for pizza and other refreshments between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m., the program will start at 7:00 p.m.

The public is invited to attend; there is no registration fee or advance registration required. For more information

NYC Mayor Eric Adams would 'solve' the immigration crisis by identifying communities with declining populations and sending immigrants there. (November 2023 photo)

How's This for a Bad Idea?

Get a load of New York City  Mayor Eric Adams’ “solution” to the immigration crisis, described at the end of this article. He wants to identify communities with declining populations and send the immigrants there, make them stay there for three years before being allowed to travel. Can you imagine? Sending thousands of illegal immigrants — unemployed, unskilled, not able to speak English, unvetted, and possibly unhealthy — into small and rural communities that already suffer from falling populations? Oh yeah, they’re ALREADY DOING THAT!

NYC mayor hints Harris border strategy could be dropping soon after 'indirect' talks with her team | Fox News

There Is a Great Replacement Taking Place in America

The ten NGOs or VolAgs that work with the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Office of Refugee Resettlement are in this for one thing and one thing only. Money.

Here are some informative links to help folks understand what's going on in Wisconsin and other states.

The term "refugee" has been hijacked and applied to every class of migrant coming across our borders illegally because it tugs at the heart strings of generous Americans. What they don't realize is that they are being duped. I believe it was Mark Twain that said "It's easier to fool a man that it is to convince him he's been fooled."

The assaults, rapes and murders being committed by these third-world imports is sobering and should serve as a reality check for everyone who still thinks these "refugees" are the tired, poor huddled masses. These folks are getting pre-loaded debit cards, cell phones, transportation services and more, all at taxpayer expense.

Resisting resettlement isn't fear mongering, xenophobia or bigotry. This is an all out assault on our culture and way of life and pushing back is a protective measure.

As Heard on Podcasts Statewide!

As you've heard on podcasts and interviews across Wisconsin, Matthew Bocklund has received more than 2,800 pages in response to Open Records requests he has filed on the refugee resettlement issue in Chippewa Valley. Click the link below to download the entire PDF of responses he's received.

2,800+ Pages of Open Records Request in Chippewa Valley



Matthew Bocklund has filed more than 2,800 pages of open records requests in Chippewa Valley, Wisconsin.

Matt Bocklund Interview on The More Perfect Union

Matt Bocklund discusses a number of findings from a series of open records requests related to World Relief and Eau Claire City unelected officials attempts to bring in, under the cover of darkness, potentially unvetted refugees in violation of federal law. You will not want to miss this if you are at all interested in rule of law, taxation without representation and the notion of the lesser magistrate theory.

The More Perfect Interview - Secure Wisconsin Project Update (

Matt Bocklund discusses findings from a series of open records requests related to World Relief and Eau Claire City unelected officials attempts to bring in, under the cover of darkness, potentially unvetted refugees in violation of federal law.

Follow The More Perfect Union podcast on Rumble here.

Why This Effort Matters

Wisconsin’s security is in question.  The Federal government, working through volunteer groups, is trying to circumvent local governments. 


World Relief has contracted with the State department to bring Refugees into Wisconsin for resettlement.  Eau Claire’s city manager invited World relief to the City of Eau Claire.  They made plans in secret and did not follow the law in working with the local governments and not completing the appropriate impact studies.  The program is funded by the Federal Government for a short period and then the City and County is charged with their cost. Budgets for the county are completed for the next year and unexpected cost will have a large impact.


This is NOT the immigration program.  The immigration program vets and integrates it’s people into Wisconsin culture and they become “American.” The Refugee program can NOT vet its people because they come from areas without a structured government. World Relief is also forbidden by the Federal Government to assimilate their people into our culture.  They are a separate subculture and most become trapped in a poverty cycle.  The businesses may like the cheap labor, but this is not a good situation for the refugees or the community.  On top of that, the local governments were not informed, so they are not ready to support them as needed is a recipe for trouble.


Or send check payable to:
Liberty Alliance of Wisconsin, LLC
E13203 State Road 33
Baraboo, WI 53913

Phase 1:  County Action

When the Federal Government is over reaching and their Refugee Volunteer Groups are not following the law we need more tools. 

Chippewa and other surrounding counties are taking steps to protect themselves.  To the right, you can download and adapt the resolution to your county.  Even if you are not having issues with these organizations yet, let get the laws set to protect your county in the future.  These resolutions with help Rep. Karen Hurd who is working to help pass laws to help protect counties in the future.  There is urgency, the resolution needs to be passed by the end of January 2024 to help push the bill this next legislative cycle.  Because this was done in secret, the counties were blindside and our time is short and we must work quickly.  Please do all you can to meet this goal.

Phase 2: State Action

Note from Rep. Karen Hurd (WI State Assembly): 

To prevent future situations of unelected governmental officials inviting refugees/coordinating resettlement of refugees without involving the elected local governmental bodies, I am introducing legislation to require local governmental bodies to:   

  • designate an elected official to be the point of contact for refugee resettlement;  
  • require that designee to contact in writing the full governing body within 7 business days with details and any documentation received upon any contact made by the federal government or a private nonprofit voluntary agency for consultation relating to federal refugee resettlement and assistance; 
  • hold a public hearing where citizens can provide input; 
  • pass a resolution regarding the governmental body’s position on the proposed refugee resettlement and assistance. 

The proposed legislation also provides that a taxpayer may bring an action (a lawsuit) to require compliance with the bulleted requirements noted above.   

Note:  If this legislation is passed and signed into law, it won’t happen in time to change the trajectory of the current situation regarding the refugees whom the city manager of Eau Claire invited to come via the World Relief organization.  These are refugees who can settle in a 100 mile radius of Eau Claire.  County boards will have to make known to World Relief that they are or are not prepared to take the refugees until further evaluation is accomplished. 

Representative Karen Hurd
Wisconsin Assembly District 68 
Office: 608-237-9168 

Fact Sheet and Resolution 1

Click the text of the first page of the resolution, above, to download a PDF of the full four-page resolution and fact sheet.

Refugee Resettlement

We do not know for sure the nationality of the Refugees slated for Eau Claire.  They keep changing their story and we get different answers based on who we asked.  However, our best guess is Somali.  Here are some informational links and the security issues they bring.
Ripon Rabbit Hole - Special Presentation Refugee Resettlement
Tom Tiffany Video Message
Tom Tiffany Letter to Bojana Zoric Martinez, director of the Bureau of Refugee Programs, Milwaukee (January 2024)
Somali ‘Rehab’: Re-education Camps Where Children Are Locked Up, Beaten and Abused (March 2023)
Somalis Investigate Minnesota-born Teen's Death at Boarding School (August 2015)


Illegal Immigration

Whitewater Police Call on President Biden for Help Addressing Immigration-Related Challenges (January 2024)
Cities Across America React to Buses Carrying Migrants to Their Doorstep (January 2024)
Dishonesty Has Many Faces (Joan Beglinger | January 2024)
How the Border Crisis Hit a Small Wisconsin Town (The Washington Free Beacon | February 2024)

We Don’t Want a Border Deal, We Want Deportations (February 2024)

Whoa: Wisconsin City Shelled Out $700,000 in COVID Funds to Illegal Immigrants (April 2024)

Chaos at the Border Can Impact Our Wisconsin Communities (June 2024)

America Invaded: How the Biden-Harris Border Crisis Is Fundamentally Transforming the United States (September 2024) -- Congressman Chip Roy has produced a 36-page report on illegal immigration. The final two pages specifically address voting by noncitizens.

Trump visits Wisconsin town shaken by migrant crime: 'Crossed Kamala's wide-open border' (September 2024) -- Former President Trump campaigned in the Wisconsin town of Prairie du Chien on Saturday, making migrant crime a core part of his speech after a rape suspect was arrested in the small, rural community. 

Congressman Tom Tiffany's message on refugee resettlement.

New for You!

PowerPoint presentation presented to every county public health department in the state of Wisconsin in February 2024.
The above PowerPoint presentation (in PDF format) was presented to every county public health department in the state of Wisconsin in February 2024. This should alarm every one of you. Get to know the state statutes and how the State can, does, and will use public health departments in each county to aid in rolling out refugee and illegal alien resettlement activities. After Planning and Zoning (or maybe even before), the county Public Health Department warrants the most scrutinization.

Eric Hovde: Sen. Tammy Baldwin wants to bring Gaza refugees to Wisconsin

Local Citizens Persist in Billboard Campaign

The Liberty Alliance of Wisconsin has joined with area citizens to facilitate the placement of the newest billboard on Hwy 8 east of Poskin in Barron County.

The Refugee Resettlement Act is a federal program that the states can voluntarily participate in to help refugees from foreign countries. Currently, Wyoming is the only state not participating, but states can enter or leave the program at will. World Relief, one of ten non-government organizations in Wisconsin that work with the federal government on refugee resettlement in Wisconsin was invited to Eau Claire by the unelected Eau Claire City Manager’s Office. The federal legislation requires World Relief to consult with local governments before bringing refugees into a community. There was a complete lack of transparency and consultation with elected officials and no opportunity for timely public input. To add insult to injury, World Relief repeatedly told County Boards that the local governments had no say in the process. READ MORE


Traitors and Human Trafficking

With our Federal government now fully weaponized against us, keeping the pressure on our County representatives to stand in the gap is critical. By John Kraft, March 6, 2024

"The St. Croix County board has been under pressure to join Chippewa and Barron Counties in taking a pubic position to reject the State Department’s forced “refugee” resettlement efforts that are under way in Western Wisconsin. Federal contractor Volunteer Agency World Relief, has quietly established an office in Eau Claire, from which they are authorized to start relocating trafficked “refugees” within a 100 mile radius, all at taxpayer expense."

Refugee Resettlement Roundtable

This More Perfect Interview Series covers information related to Refugee Resettlement in Eau Claire, Wisconsin and surrounding 100 mile radius. Guests Matt Baldwin and Duane Shoebridge of Secure Wisconsin Project are Joined by Ron Branstner of the Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR), and special guest via telephone call in, 68th District Representative Karen Hurd to discuss the effects of these programs, the lack of transparency in the refugee resettlement process and efforts that have been going around locally and in the state legislature.

If it can happen here, it can happen to to your locality. Please share this with as many people as you can.

This More Perfect Interview Series covers information related to Refugee Resettlement in Eau Claire, Wisconsin and surrounding 100 mile radius.

As we see in this discussion, the issue with this process has been repeated myriad times in other states and counties and it is all based on a lack of transparency and the heavy use of Non Governmental Organizations who often work with unelected persons to "invite" resettlement offices without regard to the necessary discussions on economic and social services impacts.

4 hour version of the Refugee Resettlement Summit

This conference shows impact of these Refugee Resettlement Projects in detail and lays out the money trail and social effects.

1 hour version of the Refugee Resettlement Summit

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The material on this website is for general education and information only.

The views presented here are the responsibility of their authors and do not reflect endorsement or opposition by Liberty Alliance of Wisconsin or its member organizations.