Listed below are the names and contact information for nearly four dozen individuals and organizations that are working on election integrity issues in Wisconsin and across the country. For more information about their efforts, click here.

For more information and many links to news and commentary about the battle for election integrity in Wisconsin, go to the Research and Commentary section of the Liberty Alliance for Wisconsin (LAW) website.

Are we missing anyone? Do we have incorrect contact information? Please let us know by sending an email to [email protected].

Groups and People in Wisconsin

Beglinger, Joan[email protected]
Bernegger, Peter[email protected]
Davis, Jefferson E.
Dragotta, Ken[email protected]
Esenberg, Rick[email protected]
Forrer-Harbridge, Stephanie[email protected]
Healy, Brett[email protected]
Heuer, Ronald[email protected]
John Birch Society
Juno, Sandra[email protected]
Nelson, Nate[email protected]
Niemierowicz, Zak[email protected]
Pudner, John[email protected]
Ramthun, Timothy[email protected]
Szafir, C.J.
Wait, HarryTelegram:

Groups and People Outside Wisconsin

Adams, J. Christian 
Belle Wheeler, Dr. Clara[email protected]
Clements, DavidTwitter: @theprofsrecord
Conservative Partnership Institute
David, Aimee 
Droz, John Jr.[email protected]
Election Integrity
Fnd. for Government Accountability
Frank, Dr. Douglas[email protected]
Fund, John[email protected]
Goodman, Lee[email protected]
Griffen, Tim[email protected]
Here Is The Evidence
Heritage Action[email protected]
Keshel, Seth
Lindell, Mike and
Lucas, Fred
Mitchell, Cleta
Oltmann, JoeTelegram:
Raiklin, Ivan
Ramthun, Timothy[email protected]
Taylor, Lynn[email protected]
Thomas Moore Society[email protected]
True the Vote
US 2020 Election Fraud at a Glance
Valentine, Jay
von Spakovsky, HansTwitter: @HvonSpakovsky