While some people believe organic food tastes better than food from commercial farms, there is no evidence that organic food is more nutritious.
Reduce, Reuse, Recover, and Recycle
After decades of supporting plastic recycling, must we just consider it trash like any other, or are there better choices?
Time to Get Smart, Not Angry
The “red trickle” on November 8 was a great disappointment. This article describes some things everyone reading it can do to help save the country.
What Can I Do to Secure Our Elections?
Have you asked yourself what can I do to secure our elections? Well, here are 10 things you can do, with links to important documents and websites.
Questions for Mandela Barnes
Wisconsin Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes (D), running in the November 8, 2022 election for U.S. Senator against Senator Ron Johnson, has been unwilling to answer questions from the media, leaving the people of Wisconsin to wonder a lot about what he stands for.
Debunking the Establishment’s Scams
Theodore Roosevelt Malloch performed a service for the conservative movement by listing 17 “hard-discovered truths” that are the polar opposites of what we are told every day.
How Vulnerable is the Electric Grid?
It seems reasonable to ask why “they” are pushing so hard to move everything to run on electricity, knowing the current infrastructure can’t handle it.
Tucker Carlson Was Half Right about the Death of George Floyd
During his nightly television show on Fox News on August 4, Tucker Carlson disputed the claim that George Floyd was “murdered” by a white police officer.
Progressive Groups Are Abusing Elderly Voters in Wisconsin
Up to 20,000 elderly residents of nursing homes in Wisconsin are under “no vote” orders but may nevertheless be listed as active voters by the state.
How Our Instinct to Blame Allows the Global Warming Scam to Continue
So long as people need someone or something to blame for whatever is wrong in their lives, they will support politicians and activists willing to blame global warming.