Under current Wisconsin law, no employee of an elementary or secondary school is liable to prosecution for an obscene materials violation.
What Conservatives Can Learn from Communists
Dedication and Leadership asks, “Why are Communists so dedicated and successful as leaders whilst others so often are not?”
Election Integrity in Wisconsin
There are 2,885,867 more voters on the Wisconsin Election Commission’s registration list than there are people of voting age living in Wisconsin.
The Fallacies of Behavioral Economics
In “Rewards,” Herb Walberg and I criticized the work of prominent authors who deny that rewards work in education or deny that people generally behave rationally, a major claim of so-called “behavioral economics.”
Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates
Sheriffs and other “lesser magistrates” are the first line of defense against unconstitutional government actions and most accountable to citizens.
Resources for Patriotic Civics Education
Tell your local school board members, state legislators, and members of Congress how you feel about civics education. Tell them you oppose the “Civics Secures Democracy Act” as well as the “Educating for American Democracy” curriculum.
Why Do Some of the Richest People in the World Support Communism and Socialism?
“The Naked Capitalist” is an important document from the anti-communist movement. It is neither an over-reaction to the politics of the day nor unreliable propaganda.
Bright Spots from SCOTUS
In late June, the U.S. Supreme Court issued four outstanding decisions, confirming that justice can still prevail in this nation.
Seeking Election Integrity in Wisconsin
Seven bills introduced to the Wisconsin Assembly and Senate, and supported by NE Wisconsin legislators, appear to be good steps toward election integrity.
Why Global Warming Lawsuits Deserve to Fail
The contention that the climate scientists funded by the fossil fuel industry represent “fringe views” is easily debunked.