In previous posts I identified twenty things you can do to save America. I started with basic duties of patriotic citizens. Here are ten more things you can do.
Still More Things You Can Do Right Now to Save America

In previous posts I identified twenty things you can do to save America. I started with basic duties of patriotic citizens. Here are ten more things you can do.
Last month I identified ten things you can do right now to save America. Here are another ten things you can do.
I recently finished reading “Arming the People Against Revolution.” Many of the events leading up to the civil war have their parallels in the United States.
“Climate change” is essentially a sales campaign selling the notion of catastrophic man-caused global warming via an endless string of deceptive narratives.
I will start this review of 2000 Mules with the good aspects of the film because they are very, very good. The evidence presented is compelling.
On May 17, the Dane County Circuit Court heard oral arguments in a case involving alleged violations of election laws in November 2020.
By Joe Bast | May 27, 2022 If you attend meetings of patriots you have surely heard this lament: “There’s nothing we can do about it.” The left has taken over all the major institutions in society – the media,
Now that the U.S. Supreme Court is about to reverse Roe v. Wade, conservatives are eagerly discussing other decisions that should be reversed.
On May 2, U.S. Rep. Glenn Grothman spoke about his latest trip to the nation’s southern border at an event in Appleton hosted by the Fox Valley Initiative.
Wolf River Area Patriots hosted a meeting in New London on April 26 that drew a big crowd, nearly 80 people attended. Speakers included Assemblyperson Janel Brandtjen.