It seems reasonable to ask why “they” are pushing so hard to move everything to run on electricity, knowing the current infrastructure can’t handle it.
How Vulnerable is the Electric Grid?

It seems reasonable to ask why “they” are pushing so hard to move everything to run on electricity, knowing the current infrastructure can’t handle it.
During his nightly television show on Fox News on August 4, Tucker Carlson disputed the claim that George Floyd was “murdered” by a white police officer.
Capitalism makes America a desired destination for folks from around the world wanting a shot at freedom and achieving their dreams.
Up to 20,000 elderly residents of nursing homes in Wisconsin are under “no vote” orders but may nevertheless be listed as active voters by the state.
So long as people need someone or something to blame for whatever is wrong in their lives, they will support politicians and activists willing to blame global warming.
“Progressive Conservatism: How Republicans Will Become America’s Natural Governing Party” is unfailingly original, thought-provoking, contrarian, amusing, and infuriating.
Jeffrey Anderson documents the nation’s skyrocketing national debt and traces the cause of the debt explosion to the New Deal.
I am indebted to the late Dr. Patrick Michaels, as are many others, for revealing the truth about Ross Gelbspan and global warming.
William Voegeli explains why Donald Trump won in 2016, how he forever changed the conservative movement, and why that is not a bad thing.
Norman Podhoretz says the New Left believed “America is bad … because it’s not living up to its ideals.” Today’s Left believes America per se is bad.