Today’s election integrity update will focus on the following:

  1. Wisconsin Protect the Vote 2024 Summary.
  2. Republican National Committee, Trump Force 47, Republican Party of Wisconsin and Turning Point USA collective efforts for Wisconsin in 2024.
  3. Thank you, Langlade County GOP.
  4. Speaker’s Bureau.

Wisconsin Protect the Vote 2024

A summary of the collective effort of so many individuals, groups, legislators, law enforcement, the legal system and state agencies has been organized to give all Wisconsin electors hope and encouragement that outside election interference forces will not have an effect on our elections in 2024 to make sure Wisconsin’s 10 Electoral College Votes are legally and ethically certified for the rightful winner.

Action Plan…

  1. Keep a copy of this Protect the Vote 2024 Summary on hand at all times to show what has been done since 2020 to protect the vote in Wisconsin for all electors in 2024.
  2. Forward a copy of this Protect the Vote 2024 Summary to all of your contacts to spread the word giving hope and encouragement that Wisconsin’s elections may be protected in 2024 from outside forces.
  3. Forward a copy of this Protect the Vote 2024 Summary to your Legislator asking for their help to monitor these many moving parts before it’s too late in 2024 – Find your State Representative and State Senator – click here – My Elected Officials (
  4. Forward a copy of this Protect the Vote 2024 Summary to your Local and County Clerk – click here – My Municipal Clerk ( and Wisconsin Counties – Wisconsin County Clerks Association.

Wisconsin Protect the Vote 2024 with Election Integrity

(Wisconsin’s Presidential Race was reported to have been decided by 20,682 votes in 2020.)

Issue2020Ballots Cast2024 StatusWhat can you do?
E.R.I.C. Mover’s List232,000-234,000 on list.70,000 estimated.23,217 with an update due on 9-11-24.Contact legislator.
Non-US Citizens driver’s license?????5,010 estimated.258,356 driver’s license – 41,090 photo ID’s.Contact legislator to remove from WisVote.
Long-Term Care Special Voting DeputiesThere were none.OSC estimate of 98% voter turnout for long-term residents in 5 counties at 91 facilities.Special Voting Deputies are back.Become a Special Voting Deputy.
Drop Boxes573 statewide paid for by Zuckerberg.Estimates of 825,000-1,000,000 with only 4,270 rejected.Possibly 50 or under statewide.Sign up for an Observer shift.
WisVote7.2 million names with 3.4 million “active” and 3.8 million “inactive”.3.3 million ballots or a 94% Registered Voter Turnout.7.7 million names with 3.4 million “active” and 4.3 million “inactive”.Contact legislator to clean up the voter database.
MyVote476,605 voter registrations online with illegal form.?????Circuit Court ruled online voter registration form is illegal.Make sure this form isn’t brought back in 2024.
Absentee Ballot to Other Address????????Illegal without permission.Check your status on MyVote on a daily basis.
Same Day Voter Registration219,045219,045 – 45,665 did not match DOT’s information.Still legal to register to vote on election day.Sign up to be an Observer at identified hot spots.
Early In-Person651,422651,422Still legal for 2 weeks before election.Sign up to be an Observer at identified hot spots.
Curing absentee ballot certificatesNearly 2 million absentee ballots.All but 4,270 were counted or a rejection rate of .002%.Witness must be able to be located or absentee ballot is rejected.Sign up to be an Observer at identified hot spots.
Absentee Ballot Central Count38 communities in 13 counties.????38 communities in 14 counties.Sign up to be an Observer at identified hot spots.
USPS/NGO’s/Ballot TraffickersMinimum of 128 ballot traffickers from just 3 counties.Minimum of 137,551 illegal absentee ballots.Working with authorized authorities to avoid repeat in 2024.Contact your authorized authority when appropriate to shut this down for 2024.
Spoiling Absentee BallotsAllowed????IllegalMonitor the democrats filing a lawsuit to appeal.
Indefinitely Confined270,000 with this designation.220,000 cast a ballot.Reduced to 140,000.Monitor daily updates with WEC.
Democrat Dark Money Campaign ContributionsAct Blue over $14 billion and Arabella Advisors with billions more.????Congressman Steil ordered emergency investigation to shut down this fraud.Contact Congressman Steil at 202-225-8281 or email at [email protected] with information on your name may have been used.
Electronic Voting SystemsAll but 181 communities out of at total of 1,852 used electronic voting systems.Approximately 3.299 million ballots were processed with an electronic voting system.FBI Director Wray guarantees electronic voting systems will be hacked.Contact your County Clerk, Local Clerk, County Sheriff, WEC, LTSB and your Legislator to see what their backup plan is if the electronic voting systems are hacked.
E-Poll BooksMany communities used E-Poll Books (Estimated at 25%-30%).????Endless cyber security breach concerns from foreign hackers using data to influence election.Strongly encourage your County and Local Clerk to not use E-Poll Books due to numerous cyber security breaches.
Sources:WECTrue the VoteLABOffice of Special Counsel
MyVoteCong. SteilDMV/DOT/LTSBWisVoteThe Daily Cardinal
ClerksCircuit CourtJust FactsLeague of Women VotersWisconsin Supreme Court
AP NewsNPRPBSPoliticoRasmussen Reports

Cooperative Efforts of RNC, TPUSA, Trump Force 47 and RPW for Election Integrity and Protecting the Vote in 2024

For the first time maybe ever, many different forces are collaborating for all Wisconsin electors to protect the vote in 2024 on the front end of the administration of elections instead of the back end to support all of the Clerks and electors on a proactive basis.

With only 72 days until election day, 25 days for the start of absentee ballots being mailed and early in-person absentee voting starting on October 22nd, we are far past the time of analyzing election integrity matters and now it’s time to immediately do what we can to get out the vote while protecting the vote at the same time.  A list of those election integrity measures that have been implemented for 2024 will be shared at length in the next election integrity update.

Here are the main takeaways for each group and how you can help protect the vote in 2024 depending on your comfort level and as to whom you wish to support:

RNC – Please contact RNC Wisconsin Election Integrity Director Mike Hoffman at 773-849-1195 or [email protected] to sign up to be trained in one of the following areas:

  1. Absentee ballot Observer at Central Count in one of Wisconsin’s 38 communities – Central Count Absentee Ballot Municipalities | Wisconsin Elections Commission.
  2. Early in-person Observer for identified communities to make sure only one ballot is cast per elector during the 2-week early in-person period, which starts on October 22nd.
  3. Special Voting Deputy for long-term care facilities.
  4. Same day voting registration Observer for identified communities.
  5. Post election Canvass Observer to make sure the tabulators match the number of ballots cast.
  6. Poll Observers for identified communities.
  7. Poll Worker substitution list.
  8. Utilize the RNC 24/7 Election Fraud Hotline at 414-441-4033 to leave a message if you observe election fraud.
  9. Utilize the RNC Election Fraud Protect the Vote website to report election fraud at – Home Page | PROTECT THE VOTE.
  10. Sign up for one of the following Training Sessions this week:
  • Monday August 26th at 6:00pm (RSVP Here)
  • Wednesday August 28th at 5:30pm (RSVP Here)
  • Friday August 30th at 12:00pm (RSVP Here)
  • Sunday September 1st at 4:00pm (RSVP Here)
  • Tuesday September 3rd at 6:00pm (RSVP Here)
  • Wednesday September 4th at 5:30pm (RSVP Here)
  • Rock County Coming Soon
  • Wood County – August 27th
  • Dane County – Coming Soon

The RNC’s new Leadership Team has poured tons of money and resources into Wisconsin as part of their nationwide effort in swing states to recruit a minimum of 100,000 election integrity supporters and 500 attorneys (click here – RNC has 157,000 volunteers set to watch 2024 results: Whatley (   

TPUSA (Turning Point USA ( – TPUSA is totally focused on reaching the “less frequent registered elector”.

  1. $5 million has been allocated for Wisconsin.
  2. 105,000 “less frequent registered electors” have been identified in specific Wisconsin communities.
  3. These identified electors are friendly to faith and 2nd amendment matters.
  4. Neighborhood walk maps have been established.
  5. TPUSA will handsomely pay retired individuals, college students, in between job individuals, extra income seeking individuals, mature high school individuals and or recent college graduates. 
  6. Please call one of the following TPUSA Representatives to learn more: Sadie – 414-350-9331, Katy – 920-217-4688, Dixon – 906-282-7740, Briana – 920-422-1990, Brooke – 414-299-0543 or Ann – 414-305-0489.     

Trump Force 47 (Home | Trump Force 47– Trump Force 47 is a hybrid for elections.

  1. This effort is directly related to the Trump Campaign involving yard sign distribution, contacting registered electors, training sessions, hosting a neighborhood party, poll watching, etc.

REP. SCOTT FITZGERALD will be joining the Trump Force 47 virtual training in WISCONSIN on Tuesday, August 27th at 7:00 PM CST.

If you would like to join Rep. Scott Fitzgerald at the Trump Force 47 training to help save this nation, then sign up NOW! SIGN UP HERE

The Trump Force 47 Team needs all volunteers trained and ready to beat Kamala Harris in November. That’s why we hope YOU will join in!

RPW (Sign up to Volunteer! – Republican Party of Wisconsin (– The RPW does a lot of the traditional blocking and tackling for election integrity.

  1. Leslie Hubert is the Statewide Coordinator and can be contacted here to see if the RPW has election integrity support options for you – [email protected].
  2. RPW also has a link to all 72 County GOP Party Contacts – Find Your County Party – Republican Party of Wisconsin (
  3. Attend your local republican party event – Events – Republican Party of Wisconsin (
  4. Leslie Hubert is in need of hiring 4-6 more full-time assistants immediately.  Very good pay!  Contact Leslie at: [email protected].

Thank you, Langlade County!

The Langlade County GOP rolled out the welcome mat on Thursday, August 22nd, to get an update on Protecting the Vote in Wisconsin for 2024.

Many attendees who were totally plugged in to learn what they can do to protect the vote in their community.

Thank you, Langlade County for your kindness, generosity, and graciousness.  We look forward to our next time together!

Speaker’s Bureau

We would be happy to speak to your group or organization for an update on Protecting the Vote in 2024 and what your group or organization can immediately do to make sure Wisconsin’s 10 Electoral College Votes are legally and ethically certified in 2024 to the rightful winner.

There is no fee, but true to Wisconsin’s heritage and generosity, most groups and or organizations like to at least offer to defer any related costs involving travel, lodging or meals.

Please call us at 262-470-0893 or email us at [email protected] to schedule a speaking engagement.

Thank you!

As always, thank you for your patience, understanding and support.  As a facilitator for “all things election integrity” while acting as a clearinghouse and conduit to build a statewide coalition, we are grateful and humbled to be a partner with you in getting it done for all Wisconsin electors.

With warm regards,

Jefferson E. Davis
Election Integrity for Wisconsin Ad-Hoc Committee
Full Forensic Physical and Cyber Audit (FFPCA)
262-470-0893 (c)

Election Integrity Update: August 25, 2024