This is a National and State Call to Action to “protect the vote” in Wisconsin to assist our Clerks while administering elections with integrity against outside forces before it’s too late for 2024.

The road to the White House in 2024 goes directly through Wisconsin and its prized 10 Electoral College Votes. The Presidency cannot be won without Wisconsin.

Today’s election integrity update will focus solely on what needs to be done immediately to make sure Wisconsin’s 10 Electoral College Votes are legally and ethically certified in 2024.

After almost 4 years of exhaustive, tireless and patient efforts on behalf of so many individuals, groups, organizations, Legislators, law enforcement and the legal system, it is time to immediately implement a call-to-action plan to do whatever is necessary, before it’s too late, to avoid a repeat in 2024 of what happened in Wisconsin in 2020 when Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes.

All of these groups have attended rallies, attended hearings at the Capitol, attended statewide election integrity events, attended national election integrity conferences, donated money, donated time, contacted their legislators, posted on social media, attended town hall meetings, produced podcasts, wrote letters to the editor, called into radio talk shows, and have patiently waited to see “what is being done” for 2024 to avoid what happened in 2020 in Wisconsin.

All of these groups and individuals need to at least be recognized for their efforts out of respect and appreciation to make sure all electors’ votes are protected in 2024.

They are leaving it all on the line so that they can look back after November 5 with a clear conscience that they did everything possible to protect the vote in Wisconsin in 2024.

Countless examples exist of what can possibly be perceived as documented election fraud that may have affected the outcome of the 2020 Wisconsin Presidential Election from the Office of Special Counsel (OSC), True the Vote (TTV), the Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB), the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) and many national organizations must be addressed, or they will be repeated in 2024 without any accountability.

Wisconsin is not covered by the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, which requires the suspension of any “list maintenance” of voter rolls 90 days before the November 5, 2024, election because Wisconsin has same-day voter registration (click here – Voter Rolls and Voter Purging – Rock the Vote).

With that being said, the following small sample of state statutes and supporting documents make it abundantly clear and without question what elected officials, state legislators, federal guidelines and state agencies are required and expected to do to ensure the administration of statewide elections with integrity in 2024. [Click this shaded box to show the statutes. Click the other shaded boxes below to show full content.]
  • State Statute 343.03 – Outlining the responsibilities of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for non-US citizens and the issuance of a driver’s license – Wisconsin Legislature: 343.20.
  • State Statute 85.61 – Requires compliance of the DMV and the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) to enter into an Agreement per HAVA to share data and maintain the WisVote database from election fraud attempts to manipulate the database – Wisconsin Legislature: 85.61.
  • State Statute 6.34 – Proof of Residence for all Electors – Wisconsin Legislature: 6.34.
  • State Statute 6.36 – Documenting WEC’s absolute responsibility of compiling and maintaining on Official Registration List of Electors – Wisconsin Legislature: 6.36(1).
  • State Statute 15.61 – Requires the Wisconsin State Senate to approve rolling 4-year terms of odd calendar years for the Administrator of Elections and that the Wisconsin Elections Commission serves under the supervision of and at the direction of the Administrator of Elections – Wisconsin Legislature: 15.61. The Wisconsin State Senate did their constitutional and statutory responsibility on September 14, 2023, by removing the Administrator of Elections, but were court ordered to leave the previous Administrator of Elections in place indefinitely or face contempt of court charges in Dane County. This Case is on appeal, but not likely to be resolved before November 5th.
  • The Governor’s Office believes the DMV and WEC must share data to make sure the WisVote database is free from names that should not be on the WisVote list (See attached Gov. Office DMV WEC Driver’s License Data).
  • Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Title III – Requires all State Agencies to share data to make sure voter rolls are clean (See attached HAVA 66 Pages – Pages 40-50).
  • State Statute 5.05 – Requires the Joint Committee on Legislative Organization (JCLO) to “advise” WEC on all matters related to the operations of the election commission – Wisconsin Legislature: 5.05.
  • State Statute 13.45 – Absolutely mandates that all State Agencies “…shall assist legislative committees in the completion of their tasks.” – Wisconsin Legislature: 13.45.
  • Congressional Research Service (CRS) – White paper on Voting Systems and Federal Law, November 2022, giving discretion to state and local jurisdictions (See attached CRS November 2022).
  • WEC/DMV Agreement to share data to make sure WisVote is clean from election fraud attempts (See attached WEC DMV Agreement).
  • DMV disclosure of non-US citizens with a Wisconsin driver’s license and or a photo ID (See attached DMV WEC Non-US Citizen License).

Top 8 Protect the Vote Priorities to Ensure Wisconsin’s 10 Electoral College Votes are Legally and Ethically Certified in 2024

Contact information to implement the Protect the Vote 8 Priorities will be at the end of this section.

While a minimum of 68 election integrity issues have been identified over the last nearly 4 years (See attached EI 68 Points), it is believed that if the following 8 Priorities are immediately addressed, then a better chance exists for the legal and ethical certification of Wisconsin 10 Electoral College Votes in 2024 to protect our Clerks and electors:

1.  The WisVote database has now exploded to nearly 7.7 million names. Up from approximately 7.2 million names in early 2020.

      A. Wisconsin has 5.6 million residents.

      B. Wisconsin has 4.6 million eligible electors.

      C. Wisconsin has 3.45 +/- million registered eligible electors in the WisVote database.

      D. Wisconsin has 4.18 +/- million ineligible non-registered names in the WisVote database.

      E. According to WEC, WisVote will see a nearly equal percentage of voter registration increases for all 72 Counties just before the election and a similar equal decrease in voter registrations for all 72 Counties just after the election.

      F. According to WEC, they have repeatedly had to intervene on behalf of all electors over the last nearly 10 years to issue an “election integrity warning” involving very dark liberal and progressive democrat operatives that mail hundreds of thousands of voter registration forms to Wisconsin residents looking eerily similar to WEC documents. Admittedly, WEC doesn’t appear to be all that concerned with these mailings, but at least they issued a warning for electors to be aware that these mailings are not from WEC. These dark groups have already mailed hundreds of thousands of voter registration forms in 2024 to addresses obtained through purchasing the “inactive” WisVote database list.

      G. Action Plan – The Legislative Technology Services Bureau needs to confidentially share with the appropriate authorities who is accessing the WisVote database to explore this possible phenomena. According to the LAB, nearly 1 million people registered to vote in 2020 for the Wisconsin Presidential Election. The illegal registration form from 2020, that was used to register nearly 500,000 individuals by WEC, is no longer used by WEC’s MyVote website. That form illegally asked for party affiliation and ethnicity.

2. Non-US Citizens with a Wisconsin driver’s license of photo ID.

      A. According to the DMV, 258,356 non-US citizens were issued a Wisconsin driver’s license during a rolling 48-month period between January 1, 2019, and late 2023.

      B. According to the DMV, 41,090 non-US citizens were also issued a Wisconsin photo ID during a rolling 48-month period between January 1, 2019, and late 2023. 

      C. The DMV appears to be required to share this data with E.R.I.C., WEC and Wisconsin Clerks to make sure these individuals aren’t allowed to register to vote and actually vote.

      D. The DMV refuses to confidentially release this information to the Assembly and Senate Elections Committees to complete a query of these some 300,000 +/- names to make sure, they are not embedded in WisVote.

      E. Action Plan – This data needs to be immediately released to make sure non-US citizens aren’t registered to vote and actually voting in Wisconsin elections to protect our Clerks and all electors. The Assembly and Senate Elections Committees can immediately schedule a committee Meeting to force a vote requiring the DMV to immediately release this information to WEC to be provided to all Clerks to protect the integrity of our November elections. 

3. Long-Term Facilities must have Special Voting Deputies. 

      A. WEC ordered that Special Voting Deputies were not allowed in long-term care facilities in 2020 due to the supposed pandemic precautions.

      B. In 2020, Wisconsin had approximately 92,000 +/- residents in some 1,121 long-term facilities at or around the November 3, 2020, election.

      C. According to OSC and County investigators, stacks of ballots were dropped off at long-term facilities to be filled out, witnessed and left out by Staff to be picked up a week later by a Clerk Staffer from the local municipality.

      D. After reviewing absentee ballots from 91 long-term care facilities in Brown, Dane, Kenosha, Milwaukee and Racine Counties for 3,301 residents, 3,261 residents allegedly had an absentee ballot processed for them in the 2020 Presidential Election or over 98% when long-term care voter participation is around 1%-2% at best.

      E. Action Plan – Wisconsin electors must immediately contact their local Clerk to sign up to be a Special Voting Deputy to make sure all long-term facilities in your community are covered – Find your Clerk here – Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association  (

4. Indefinitely Confined must be monitored.

      A. According to WEC, Wisconsin saw an explosion in 2020 of those individuals who asked to be designated as “indefinitely confined” when numbers soared from approximately 60,000 +/- on or around January 1st to nearly 270,000 with approximately 220,000 having an absentee ballot processed for them by election day.

      B. Indefinitely confined electors do not have to show photo ID or sign a poll book and are automatically mailed an absentee ballot.

      C. According to WEC, the current number of indefinitely confined electors is approximately 140,000 +/- or nearly half of what it was in 2020.

      D. Action Plan – This database must be monitored on a daily basis to see if these numbers start to swell leading up to the election.

5. Electronic Registration Information Center (E.R.I.C.) is a statutory requirement to monitor individuals who move out of Wisconsin to have their names removed from WisVote.

      A. According to WEC, Wisconsin had approximately 232,000 names in WisVote that apparently had moved out of Wisconsin in 2019-2020.

      B. Successful court cases to have these names removed from WisVote were overruled by the Wisconsin Supreme Court for the 2020 Wisconsin Presidential Election.

      C. According to WEC, approximately 70,000 of these individuals had a ballot processed for them in the Wisconsin 2020 Presidential Election.

      D. According to WEC, approximately 50,000 +/- names remain in E.R.I.C.’s database with a new update scheduled for the first week in August of 2024.

      E. Action Plan – WEC, DMV, E.R.I.C. and the Legislature must remove all names of those individuals that no longer live in Wisconsin to protect the integrity of the administration of the 2024 Presidential Election.

6. Illegal absentee ballot drop boxes.

      A. The Wisconsin Supreme Court (WSC) legislated from the bench on July 5, 2024, to reverse the July 8, 2022, WSC decision that absentee ballot drop boxes are illegal and not allowed under Wisconsin State Statute 6.86 as an approved method of accepting an absentee ballot – Wisconsin Legislature: 6.86

      B. According to WEC, approximately 1.3 million absentee ballots were deposited into Wisconsin’s 573 absentee ballot drop boxes paid for by Mark Zuckerberg, which according to the WSC, caused the 2020 election results to be illegitimate because WEC’s guidance broke the law causing harm and injury to all electors.

      C. TTV’s and OSC’s investigations documented a minimum of 137,551 illegal absentee ballots being deposited into these illegal ballot drop boxes by approximately 128 ballot trafficking mules with the help and assistance of the USPS and NGO’s through geospatial technology analysis.

      D. According to WEC, .002% or 4,270 absentee ballots out of the nearly 2 million processed were rejected in the 2020 Presidential Election.

      E. The LAB, in their audit of nearly 15,000 absentee ballots from 29 communities involving the same 2020 Presidential Election, found a rejection rate of nearly 7% or some 140,000 absentee ballots that should not have been processed due to missing statutory required information on the absentee ballot certificate.

      F. A Dane County Circuit Court appears to have legislated from the bench that absentee ballot certificates aren’t required to have the required statutory information to be processed. This Case is on appeal, but it is unclear if it will be ruled on before the November 2024 Presidential Election.

      G. Action Plan – A law enforcement confidential meeting consideration with proper authorities is being planned to identify the culprits of this 2020 absentee ballot scheme to make sure a repeat performance is not allowed in 2024 with the same actors. Conversations are also being held with those organizations that could determine if the July 5, 2024, WSC ruling, can be appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). 

7. Sheltering the Vote

      A. Wisconsin has approximately 91 addresses for “homeless shelters”.

      B. Estimates are that approximately 5,000 individuals stay overnight on a daily basis at a “homeless shelter” in Wisconsin.

      C. NGO’s are paid big money to register individuals to vote that supposedly stay overnight at their “homeless shelter” and to help secure a ballot for them.

      D. Action Plan – An immediate query of these 91 addresses needs to be completed with WisVote to see how many names are registered to vote from these addresses.

8. MyVote absentee ballot requests.

A. Wisconsin state statutes do not provide for the request of an absentee ballot from WEC’s MyVote website per State Statute 6.86 – Wisconsin Legislature: 6.86.

      B. Kenosha County Circuit Court ruled in 2023 that WEC was illegally allowing absentee ballots to be requested through MyVote. It is estimated that well over 500,000 absentee ballots were requested through MyVote in 2020, according to WEC.

      C. An Ozaukee County Circuit Court ruled in 2024 that individuals could continue requesting an absentee ballot via MyVote.

      D. The Ozaukee County Circuit Court ruling is on appeal, but it is unclear if that ruling will take place before the November 2024 election.

      E. WEC updates absentee ballot requests on a daily basis.

      F. According to WEC, nearly 2 million absentee ballots were requested in 2020 (approximately 60% of total ballots cast) for the Presidential Election, approximately 741,000 for the Governor’s Race in 2022 (approximately 28% of total ballots cast) and approximately 451,000 for the Wisconsin Supreme Court Race in 2023 (approximately 24% of total ballots cast) including early in-person absentee ballots. 

     G. According to WEC, in 2020, the WisVote database was purchased approximately 58 times primarily by democrat operatives and within the 45-day absentee ballot mailing window before the November 2020 Presidential Election to see how many absentee ballots had been returned. Once these democrat operatives purchased the WisVote data earlier in the year during 2020 to see how many new voter registrations were entered, they immediately peppered many of the same electors with what appeared to be “official” looking absentee ballot request forms authorized by WEC. There appeared to be so many questions and complaints from electors that WEC, once again, had to issue an “election integrity” warning to all electors that these absentee ballot request forms were not authorized by WEC. Although it appears that WEC didn’t actually try to stop this activity, they at least issued a warning. These same liberal and progressive democrat operatives have already blanketed Wisconsin with the same absentee ballot request forms in 2024. According to WEC, approximately 23 WisVote data purchases have occurred in 2024 primarily from liberal and progressive democrat operatives to presumably track voter registration and absentee ballot data.      H. Action Plan – Short of a court order, the only thing that can be done is to monitor how many absentee ballots are requested and processed through MyVote and WisVote respectively leading up to the November Presidential Election to observe any outstanding trends. 

Call to Action

Please feel free to copy and paste this FFPCA update and forward to all of your contacts for this Call to Action.

Please also consider completing the following Call to Action Plan with the following individuals requesting that they simply follow their Oath-of-Office responsibilities per the U.S. Constitution, the Wisconsin State Constitution and Wisconsin State Statutes to enforce the suggested Protect the Vote 8 Priorities for 2024:
  • Republican Senate President and JCLO Co-Chair Chris Kapenga, to immediately ask for a meeting with JCLO to advise the Wisconsin Elections Commission to address these 8 Priorities as well as asking the Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection to immediately meet to address these 8 Priorities – State Senator Chris Kapenga (
  • Republican Senate Majority Leader and JCLO Member Devin LeMahieu, – to immediately ask for a meeting with JCLO to advise the Wisconsin Elections Commission to address these 8 Priorities as well as asking the Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection to immediately meet to address these 8 Priorities – State Senator Devin LeMahieu (
  • Republican Controlled Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection Members to immediately meet to address these 8 Priorities – 2023 Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection ( Republican Members are Sen. Knodl, Chair, Sen. Quinn and Sen. Feyen, Vice-Chair and JCLO Member.
  • Republican Speaker of the Assembly and JCLO Co-Chair Robin Vos – to immediately ask for a meeting with JCLO to advise the Wisconsin Elections Commission to address these 8 Priorities as well as asking the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections to immediately meet to address these 8 Priorities – Representative Robin Vos (
  • Republican Controlled Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections to immediately meet to address these 8 Priorities – 2023 Committee on Campaigns and Elections ( Republican Members are Rep. Krug, Chair, Rep. Maxey, Vice-Chair, Rep. Murphy, Rep. Rozar, Rep. Tusler and Rep. Tittl.
  • Republican Controlled JCLO to immediately meet to address these 8 Priorities – 2023 Joint Committee on Legislative Organization ( Republican Members are Co-Chairs Sen. Kapenga and Speaker Vos along with Sen. Feyen, Sen. LeMahieu, Rep. August and Rep. Plummer.
  • 22 Republican Senate Members to ask for an immediate meeting of JCLO and the Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection to address these 8 Priorities – 2023 Wisconsin State Senators.
  • 64 Republican Assembly Members to ask for an immediate meeting of JCLO and the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections to address these 8 Priorities – 2023 Wisconsin State Representatives.
  • Administrator of Elections Meagan Wolfe to immediately address these 8 Priorities as is her legal, administrative, executive and statutory responsibility – [email protected] and 608-266-8005.
  • Legislative Technology Services Bureau Director Jeff Ylvisaker to immediately address these 8 Priorities as is his legal, administrative, executive and statutory responsibility – [email protected] and 608-283-1834.
  • E.R.I.C. Director Shane Hamlin to immediately address these 8 Priorities as is his legal, administrative, executive and statutory responsibility – [email protected] and 202-695-3464.
  • DMV Director Tommy Winkler to immediately address these 8 Priorities as is his legal, administrative, executive and statutory responsibility – [email protected] and 608-266-2481.
  • WEC Commission Members – Unfortunately, contacting WEC Commission Members would be considered a waste of time, but for those that would like to contact them regarding these 8 Priorities, here is the email address and phone number: [email protected] and 608-266-8005 – Members and Administrator | Wisconsin Elections Commission.

Thank you!

This is it, if these 8 Priorities are not addressed immediately, it is very likely that a repeat of 2020 will occur in 2024 and why wouldn’t it if no one appears to be held accountable.

It is time to stop with the delays, the lawsuits, the obfuscation, the “…we’re working on it,” the “…we will get back to you,” the hiding behind the curtain, the excuses and the outright defiance of, “…well, if you don’t like it, then sue me!” mentality and response when electors simply want those in a position of administering our elections who are paid very handsomely to do so with integrity to protect our Clerks and all electors.

Is that asking too much?

Please take the time to forward this information to all of your contacts and the above referenced Legislators and heads of State Agencies to get this done.

With warm regards,

Jefferson E. Davis
Election Integrity for Wisconsin Ad-Hoc Committee
Full Forensic Physical and Cyber Audit (FFPCA)
262-470-0893 (c)

Wisconsin’s Blueprint to Protect the Vote in 2024