We believe it is the right and duty of American citizens to be involved in the process of election administration, particularly if you want to ensure that our elections are secure.

National Poll Worker Recruitment Day is Wednesday, August 23. The left is really good at recruiting people to work the polls. While conservatives are getting much better about filling those positions, we are still playing catch up.

Honest poll workers make or break election security.

Various states have different laws about if they are paid positions and how much, minimum age requirements, and so on. But the crux of it is the same in every state: without patriots like you sacrificing your time, the majority of the people watching the election are radical, biased, left-wing activists. We are talking about activists who don’t care about honesty, integrity, or transparency. They will do anything to win, and the only way to stop them is by making sure America-loving patriots are in the room as well.

If you want to help, or you’re just curious and possibly interested, please fill out the form on this page and we will reach out to you to answer your questions and help you get signed up.

Additionally, please help recruit your friends and family to fill these roles as well!

It’s worth repeating: our country will never have secure elections without patriots like you stepping up to fill poll worker roles. Your country needs you – sign up today!

In liberty,

Jenny Beth Martin
Tea Party Patriots

PS: You can sign up now and do not need to wait until August 23, and you can sign up after August 23 as well. Making it a “day” is just a way the Election Assistance Commission brings attention to the need for poll workers.

[PS from Wisconsin Patriots Toolbox: election integrity warrior Jefferson Davis, who spoke to a meeting of Northeast Wisconsin Patriots, offers additional advice for securing Wisconsin elections: Election-Integrity-for-Wisconsin-DecJuly_23.pdf (wipatriotstoolbox.com)