PolicyBot is a free online database and search engine featuring some 32,000 articles, studies, and reviews hand-curated by the staff of The Heartland Institute. (Joe and Diane Bast, who developed Wisconsin Patriots Toolbox, worked together to build Heartland and were the driving forces behind the development of PolicyBot.)
A conservative-libertarian alternative to Google and other search engines, PolicyBot is the fastest and easiest way to find the best work of all the nation’s leading free-market think tanks and advocacy groups. You can search by keyword or filter by any combination of topic, date, document type, state, author, and organization.
Rather than visit dozens of websites trying to find research and commentary on, say, school choice or Critical Race Theory, just visit PolicyBot and enter the keyword for instant access to hundreds of articles, sortable by date or author or publisher. It’s the perfect research tool for students, legislative staff, editors, and activists.
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