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Wisconsin Patriots

Building an army of patriots in Southwest Wisconsin

Join us at the Platteville City Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 27 to protest an Antifa Event happening in Platteville

Patriots, I revealed this event over a month ago at our regular monthly meeting and updated our attendees recently at our Tuesday night meeting.
On Tuesday afternoon I made a visit to the Platteville Recreation Dept Office and the City Clerk's Office to make them aware. I asked if they knew of this event being advertised as ANTIFA-related. They apparently were not informed or aware; the Recreation Department had the event scheduled in its computer under a "Rainbow Coalition Organization."
This coming Tuesday evening 8/27/2024 at 6:00 PM. several of us Patriots are attending the Platteville City Council Meeting. I was told by the Platteville City Clerk that the City Council has to approve the Broske Center events at the meeting. We are attending to Voice our Disapproval of an Antifa Sponsored event being held in our community! Were asking you to join us in support by showing up and being present to be counted in opposition to this Antifa Event!
Below is the website link and I copied the posters & the print right off their website, check it out and spread the word about this Antifa Event in Our Community! We need to Protest this Event, which is currently scheduled for Platteville on September 16!
Larry Catellier
"Our Plan to Stop Trump, and Fascism, in Wisconsin"
It's time to get radical again.
Believe it or not, there's a guidebook for how to use grass roots radicalism to beat back Fascism, authoritarianism, and all the other awful "isms" that currently plague our country.

This guidebook, called Rules for Radicals, was written by Saul Alinsky, a prominent 20th century political theorist, activist, and community organizer.

Two of his "Rules for Radicals" strike a chord with me today. They are:

  1. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
  2. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
We started with the Antifa Oktoberfist Tour, and replaced the word “Antifa” (upon popular request) with the word “NOPE,” our popular #nevertrump logo.
Antifa Oktoberfist poster
JD Vance is Donald Trump's 2024 running mate.

Trump Chooses J.D. Vance -- a Convention of States Supporter -- for His Running Mate

Former President Donald Trump, who officially clinched his party’s 2024 presidential nomination on July 15, has chosen Senator J.D. Vance -- a best-selling author and Convention of States supporter -- as his running mate.

In the past, Vance expressed his support for an Article V convention in a Convention of States candidate survey.


About Us

SOUTHWEST WISCONSIN PATRIOTS is an organization of local-level concerned citizens, a movement of grassroots citizens who are fed up with business-as-usual in government. We must resolve to self-rescue and self-govern. Our goal is to build an army of patriots in Southwest Wisconsin. Together we can save our communities, our state, and our country.

We meet on the third Tuesdays of every month from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at The Meeting Room, 1053 South Madison Street in Lancaster, Wisconsin.

For more information, send an email to [email protected] or call Leadership Team members Larry Catellier at mobile #608-331-0507 or Kurt Koelker at mobile #563-581-6152

Map of The Meeting Room in Lancaster, Wisconsin.

We are engaged in a war for the soul of America that is being fought on the battlegrounds of ideas.

Many Patriots are wondering: Will the greatest country in the history of mankind succumb to leftist, neo-Marxist ideologies and be destroyed forever? Or will we fulfill the dream of the Founding Father’s generation by following their brilliant blueprint for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? The answer is simple. It’s up to us. Every single one of us, beginning at the local level.

The time has come for every conservative American citizen to act courageously.

The time for sitting on the sidelines has passed. The time for action is now.

If we do our duty, then America shall be saved.

We will not bend. We will not break. We will not yield.

We will not give up. We will never back down.

We will never ever surrender.

Because we are Americans and our hearts bleed red, white & blue!

We are asking you to join us in this last line of defense, taking action as concerned citizens at the local level and following the footsteps of our founders. No one from Washington, D.C. will help us. We must resolve to self-rescue and self-governance.

Join Up with Us Now! Let’s build an Army of Patriots!

Welcome New Associate Patron!

Anderson Welding & Repair LLC has just come on board as the latest Associate Patron!

When you have need for the services outlined on Arnie Anderson's business card, please give him a call ... and thank him for supporting Southwest Wisconsin Patriots.

Interested in joining our growing group of Associate Patrons? Start the conversation by sending an email to [email protected] or call Leadership Team members Larry Catellier at mobile #608-331-0507 or Kurt Koelker at mobile #563-581-6152

Anderson Welding & Repair LLC
Anderson Welding & Repair LLC
Refugee Resettlement programs in Wisconsin.

A Big Issue: Refugee Resettlement

Our friend Steve Paske at We the People - Sauk County sent us this message on June 4: "The next three weeks there will be a laser focus and push on the refugee resettlement resolution being considered by the Sauk County Board of Supervisors." This is a huge issue for all of Southwest Wisconsin (indeed, the entire state). The Liberty Alliance of Wisconsin has a website devoted to this issue that is well worth your time to visit:
Southwest Wisconsin Patriots is seeking nominations for its American Patriot Award.

American Patriot Award

On February 25, 2024, we presented our first American Patriot Award to Craig Kowalski for his total commitment, dedication, and service to our cause. We plan on doing this every year. Candidates for the award are nominated by our Associate Patriots and will be voted on at a monthly meeting. If you know someone who may qualify, let us know!

Important Links for Patriots

American Majority
Badger Institute
Heritage Action for America
Northeast Wisconsin Patriots
Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty
American Policy Center
Heartland Institute
MacIver Institute
Turning Point Action

Candidate Endorsements

Who should you vote for? The Wisconsin Patriots Toolbox reports recommendations and endorsements made by conservative groups. Click here: Endorsements

How to Find and Contact Your Elected Officials

How to Contact Your Elected Officials

Who are your national, state, and local elected officials? How are they are voting on issues that matter to you? How can you reach them with your concerns? For answers to these questions and more, click here: Elections

How to Find Reliable Allies and News Sources

Find Reliable Allies and News Sources

Most of what you read in newspapers or see on television is biased against conservative values and elected officials who are trying to advance them. The Wisconsin Patriots Toolbox has identified reliable sources of news as well as research and commentary on issues that really matter. To learn more, click here:

Southwest Wisconsin Patriots logo.

Join the Freedom Movement!

You can make a difference by joining with other Patriots who share your concerns! Contact us by email at [email protected] or call Leadership Team members Larry Catellier at mobile #608-331-0507 or Kurt Koelker at mobile #563-581-6152.

Copyright © 2024 Southwest Wisconsin Patriots.The material on this website is for general education and information only. The views presented here are the responsibility of their authors and do not reflect endorsement or opposition by Southwest Wisconsin Patriots.