Our Mission

In order to re-establish the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity, we commit ourselves to promote the conservative values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We shall do this by educating the public, promoting and supporting quality candidates, and communicating with our elected officials, while remaining politically independent.


We work together with many allies and friends to:

  • Present guest speakers to discuss current issues and recommend a simple call to action
  • Provide an open forum
  • Provide education on government, the Constitution, and political issues of interest
  • Affiliate with a limited number of regional and national organizations with similar interests
  • Identify and support candidates who share our mission
  • Make our meetings both compelling and enjoyable.

See the links above for a calendar of upcoming events, candidate recommendations, and links to voter information, allies, and research and commentary on important issues.

Our History

Click here for a list of past events hosted by NEW Patriots.


Every Saturday morning, back in 2008, you could find the tables at D & G restaurant in Greenleaf, Wisconsin (just east of Wrightstown) filled to capacity with neighborhood citizens. At one of those tables you would find Dick Koltz, his sons, sons-in-law and neighbors deep in discussion on how to solve the world’s problems – or at least the problems in their small corner of the world. Sometimes these conversations would spill over to Sunday after church as the family gathered for their weekly coffee and conversation at the home of Dick and Rita Koltz.


All of those involved in the conversations did not always agree with the answer to these problems, but they shared the same conservative goals and values. They believed in hard work, equal rights, helping your neighbor and limited government involvement.

Out of these meetings grew many different feelings. With the current administration and the unchecked growth of government in general, trying to insert itself in every little part of the average citizen’s life, came the feeling of helplessness. But what grew from the helplessness was a determination to do something to change what was happening, starting in the community around them. They may not have the power to change what was happening nationwide, but they could certainly work at educating themselves and those around them.


At the first meeting of the fledgling group in 2009, 25 people were in attendance. Fifty-three people attended the second meeting and 112 attended the third meeting. By the fourth meeting, a meeting format was established, a name was chosen, and a steering committee formed. By the end of that first year the membership list had reached 170 patriots and was growing every day. Then, as now, "membership" was achieved simply by putting your name on our email list.


Now known as the Northeast Wisconsin Patriots (NEW Patriots or just NEWP), the group meets on the third Tuesday of the month at the Lawrence Town Hall, 2400 Shady Court, De Pere (just off I-41). Meetings usually feature a main speaker on a hot topic of the day followed by a sometimes lively Q & A.

Join Us!

We invite all interested patriots of a conservative bent to attend our meetings and get involved. This is grassroots advocacy at its best, but it takes the involvement of each and every citizen to make real changes, changes that would return the freedoms and liberties once guaranteed by the Constitution and given to us by the Founding Fathers, back to the people, from whence they came, and who are the real guardians of the nation’s system of government.


You can make a difference by joining with other Patriots who share your concerns! Contact us by email, visit our Facebook pages, or sign up to receive emails. Just click here or on the Contact Us link in the main navigation menu.

Copyright © 2022-2023 Northeast Wisconsin Patriots.

The material on this website is for general education and information only.

The views presented here are the responsibility of their authors and do not reflect endorsement or opposition by Northeast Wisconsin Patriots.